Akce: Zabbix Summit 2023

Zabbix Summit. To jsou dva dny doslova nabité přednáškami plnými expertních a inovátorských řešení ať už běžných, či zcela nestandardních situací na téma monitoringu. Je to unikátní možnost potkat se s širší komunitou, ale i s vývojáři platformy Zabbix, nechat si představit celou řadu případových studií řešících velice zajímavá témata, ale také se zúčastnit workshopů vedených přímo Zabbix týmem a vyzkoušet si nejen novinky, ale i řešení již aplikovaná do praxe – a to na vlastní kůži.

Datum akce:
Web Summitu: Zabbix Summit 2023
Akce: Zabbix Summit 2023

Program akce (Riga GMT+3)

První den

Alexei Vladishev, CEO Founder, Zabbix, Latvia

Real-Life Examples: Unleashing the Power of Zabbix Item Scripts for Automation

Alois Zadražil, Technical Consultant, initMAX, Czech Republic


Widgety, šablony a příklady řešení (GIT.INITMAX.CZ)

Internal Changes and Improvements in Zabbix 7.0
Kaspars Mednis, Chief Trainer, Zabbix, Latvia

Alert Fatigue: What Does Science Say?
Rihards Olups, SaaS Architect, Nokia, Latvia

Coffee break

Zabbix Meets Cloud-Deploy – Intelligent Provisioning of Multiple Zabbix Instances in Kubernetes
Wolfgang Alper, CEO, IntelliTrend GmbH, Germany

Monitoring Green Power and Distributed Edge Computing Infrastructure with Zabbix
Hiroshi Abe, Ph. D., Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan


Zabbix Behind the Scenes: How Zabbix simplified digital transformation for Brazil’s largest media group
Marianna Portela, Tech Lead, Globo

Logs Go LLD
Giedrius Stasiulionis, IT Solution Expert, SEB Bank, Lithuania

Case study – Zabbix in financial institutions
Dimitri Bellini, CEO, Quadrata Service Group s.r.l.

Managing Zabbix for Beginners
Steve Destivelle, CEO, IZI-IT, France

Coffee break

Behind the Scenes: Product Delivery
Juris Lambda, C Developer, Zabbix

Monitoring the London Underground
Nathan Liefting, Zabbix Consultant & Trainer, Opensource ICT Solutions
Adan Mohamed, DevOps Manager, Boldyn Networks

Monitoring Production (OT) Environments Using Zabbix Technology
Mikko Tikkala, Senior Specialist, Valmet
Ari Rajamäki, Product Manager, Valmet

What’s Up, Home?
Janne Pikkarainen, Lead Site Reliability Engineer, Forcepoint, Finland

Tips and Tricks on using useful features of Zabbix in large scale environments
Mr. Takashi Fukushima, Zabbix Certified Trainer, NTT Com Engineering Corporation, Japan

Druhý den


Morning coffee

Zabbix Company News
Sergey Sorokin, Director of Business Development, Zabbix, Latvia

Serving Success: How Zabbix Customer Support Fuels Customer Achievement
Dmitry Lambert, Head of Technical Support, Zabbix, Latvia

Zabbix in an MSP Environment – Design Decisions and Implementation Ideas
Brian van Baekel, Zabbix Trainer, Opensource ICT Solutions Ltd., United Kingdom

Coffee break

Zabbix Use Case
Michaela de Forest, Developer and Platform Engineer, The ATS Group

Latest in database monitoring with Zabbix
Edgars Melveris, Technical Support Engineer, Zabbix, Latvia

Zabbix in the AV Industry
Silvano Giacomello, Team Leader IT and Application Development, Member of the Board, Tingo Gmbh


The Key to Optimizing your Zabbix Setup
Fernando Collado Permuy, Head of Observability and Monitoring, Allenta

Telegram as a User Interface for Zabbix
Sven Putteneers, CEO, 7 to 7, Belgium

Zabbix and HPC
Mark Vilensky, Scientific Computing Manager, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Coffee break

Managing Zabbix Monitoring with CMDB Integration
Thiago Leao Melo, Monitoring Tech Lead, Natixis

Monitoring Kubernetes Cluster with an External Zabbix Server
Dario Sindicic, System Engineer, APIS-IT

The Importance of Data Analytics in the Telecom Industry with Zabbix
Hernandes Martins, Zabbix Specialist, Lunio, Brazil

Implementing TimescaleDB on large Zabbix without downtime
Kim Anthonisen, Senior Consultant / Team Leader, Miracle 42, Denmark

Lightning Talk: What’s Up, Me? – How I’m Monitoring Myself with Zabbix
Janne Pikkarainen, Lead Site Reliability Engineer, Forcepoint, Finland


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